Our Church

New Covenant Church Woolwich is a dynamic and inclusive community of faith, passionate about worship, teaching, and serving our local community with love and compassion.

About Us

​The Woolwich branch of the New Covenant Church in the UK is a vibrant and inclusive community that revolves around the teachings of Jesus Christ. With Reverend Olusayo Akintola at the helm and under the guidance of Reverend Paul Jinadu, our church is committed to making a positive difference both within our local vicinity and on a global scale. We strive to create an atmosphere of compassion and acceptance, where everyone feels welcome and valued. Through our various initiatives and outreach programs, we aim to bring hope and help to those in need, both close to home and abroad. Our church community is dedicated to spreading the message of love, faith, and unity, and we invite all individuals, regardless of their background, to join us in this rewarding journey of spiritual growth and service to others.

Our Vision & Our Belief

Our Vision

At New Covenant Church Woolwich, we envision a warm and all-encompassing community of believers, united by love and devoted to service. Our focus is on lively worship, relevant teachings, and transformative ministries, empowering our congregation to deepen their connection with God and apply biblical principles to daily life. We're committed to positively impacting our local community through acts of compassion and unity. Through inclusivity and active participation, we aim to make a collective difference and share the message of faith and love with others.

​Our Belief

The Holy Spirit is presently engaged in revitalizing the Church's core, especially in Jerusalem, with a focus on establishing a flat organizational framework. Within the New Covenant Church ministry, Christ collaborates with leaders to construct a foundation enabling individuals to express their divinely bestowed ministries without hindrance. This approach promotes and empowers every church member to embrace their calling and contribute based on their distinct talents and capacities. The objective is to foster an atmosphere of unrestricted involvement for all, unburdened by hierarchical obstacles

Rev Paul Jinadu
General Overseer
NCC Worldwide

Rev Olusayo Akintola
Senior Pastor
NCC Woolwich

Rev Tola Akintola
NCC Woolwich

Rev Amos Komolafe
NCC Woolwich

Pastor Edward Edumijeke
NCC Woolwich

Pastor Toyin Lawore
NCC Woolwich

Pastor Yinka Sonuga
NCC Woolwich

Bro Smith Alamu
Youth Pastor
NCC Woolwich


In 1966, Rev. Paul Jinadu received a vision from the Holy Spirit of the New Testament pattern of the church. He and his new wife, Catherine, set out from York, England to evangelize Nigeria. Paul had never been part of a church in Nigeria, but he was willing to work with any church that would have him.

Paul had left Lagos, Nigeria in 1957 to study in London. Four years later, he met Jesus Christ at a crusade in Chelmsford, Essex. He was so moved by the experience that he abandoned his dream of becoming a doctor to pursue full-time ministry. In 1962, he enrolled at the Bible College of Wales to prepare for ministry. After graduating, he and Catherine went to Nigeria as missionaries.

Paul and Catherine worked with two main denominations in Nigeria until 1985. They never forgot the vision of the New Testament pattern of the church, but they felt called to conform to the traditions of the churches they served. In 1985, they felt led by God to start their own church, the New Covenant Church. The church was launched in May of that year in Samonda, Ibadan, Nigeria.

By this time, the Jinadus had relocated back to York, England primarily for the children's education. Paul continued to pastor the New Covenant Church in Nigeria while travelling back and forth to England. In 1986, the first UK branch of the church was launched in London.

While Paul was pastoring the two churches, Catherine was busy evangelizing through the York Christian Coffee Club. She also organized monthly outreach programs. When the children left home to go to university, Paul and Catherine moved to London together. They continued to travel to Nigeria regularly.

Today, the New Covenant Church has several hundred churches in over 45 countries. Catherine's passion for alleviating the suffering of the masses, especially in rural Nigeria, has given birth to the church's charity arm, Liberty. Liberty is a holistic evangelism program that empowers women, builds affordable schools, provides free medical treatment, cataract and other minor operations, business empowerment, and sinks boreholes for clean water. The program has attracted up to 600 volunteers and medical personnel from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Nigeria.

The New Covenant Church is not a denomination. It is a concept. The church does not celebrate its anniversary because it did not start the church. The church simply joined what started more than 2,000 years ago. All are welcome to the New Covenant Church, which is a platform for everyone called to fulfil their God-given mandate.

History of the New Covenant Church